Serani, D. (2019). Personalized medicine and psychoanalysis: How pharmacogenomic testing facilitates depression treatment. International Journal of Psychology and Psychoanalysis, 5:041.
Serani, D. (2012, December 12). I have mental illness. Chicago Tribune, B.1
Serani, D. (2010). The importance of proper media coverage of suicide. Suffolk County Psychological Association, Summer Edition: 3-5.
Serani, D. (2008). If it bleeds, it leads: The clinical implications of fear-based programming in news media. Psychoanalysis & Psychotherapy, 24(4): 240-250.
Serani, D. (2004). Expanding the frame: Psychoanalysis after September 11. Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic, 68(1): 1-8.
Serani, D. (2002). The analyst in the pharmacy. Journal of Contemporary Psychotherapy, 32(2/3): 229-241.
Serani, D. (2002). Understanding psychoanalysis. The Participant-Observer, 4(1): 4-6.
Serani, D. (2001). Yours, mine and ours: Analysis with a deaf patient and a hearing analyst. Contemporary Psychoanalysis, 37: 655-671.
Serani, D. (2000). Silence in the analytic space, resistance or reverie: A perspective from Loewald's theory of primordial unity. Contemporary Psychoanalysis, 36: 505-519.
ABC News
CNN - Sole Survivor
HuffPost Live: Segment Guests
News12 Long Island
and more...
Serani, D. (2024). Sometimes When I'm Jealous. Minneapolis: Free Spirit Publishing.
Serani, D. (2023). Living with Depression. Second Edition. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield.
Serani, D. (2023). Sometimes When I'm Worried. Minneapolis: Free Spirit Publishing.
Serani, D. (2022). Sometimes When I'm Bored. Minneapolis: Free Spirit Publishing.
Serani, D. (2021). Sometimes When I'm Mad. Minneapolis: Free Spirit Publishing.
Serani, D. (2020). Sometimes When I'm Sad. Minneapolis: Free Spirit Publishing.
Serani, D. (2019). The Ninth Session. Brookland: TouchPoint Press.
Serani, D. (2017). From Deborah. In O. Sagan and J. Withey (Eds.) The Recovery Letters (pp. 168-171). London: Jessica Kingsley Publishing.
Serani, D. (2016). Depression in Later Life: An Essential Guide. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield.
Serani, D. (2015). Fall down seven times, Get up eight. In P. Corrigan, J. Larson and P. Michaels (Eds.) Coming Out Proud to Erase The Stigma of Mental Illness: Stories and Essays of Solidarity (pp 146-151). Collierville: Instant Publisher.
Serani, D. (2013). Depression and Your Child: A Guide for Parents and Caregivers. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield.
Serani, D. (2011). Living with Depression. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield.
"Psych Up Live" with Dr. Suzanne Phillips: The Ninth Session
"Coffee Klatch Radio" Podcast: Depression and Your Child
NPR Podcast: "Mental Health Matters" - Depression and Its Treatment
"Shrink Rap" Radio Podcast: Living with Depression
LA Talk Radio: "On the Couch with Dr. Michelle Cohen" - Living with Depression
"You: The Owner's Manual" Radio Show: Depression: Don't Miss the Signs
and more...
ABC News
All You Magazine
Allure Magazine
Anchor Magazine
Associated Press
Baby Talk Magazine
Brain World Magazine
Campus Life Magazine
Canvas Magazine
Chicago Tribune
Denver Post
Forbes Magazine
Glamour Magazine
Long Island Exchange
Parenting New Hampshire
Psychology Today
Refinery 29
Sandusky Register
Scarsdale Magazine
Scary Mommy
Scientific American Mind
The Florida Times-Union
The Free Press - Miami
The Los Angeles Times
The New York Times
Washington Post
Women's Health & Fitness Magazine
Your Tango
… and more
“The best years of your life are the ones in which you decide your problems are your own. You do not blame them on your mother, the ecology, or the president. You realize that you control your own destiny.”
~ Albert Ellis, Psychologist